CDNs are used to deliver staticcontent, such as images, scripts, stylesheets, and Flash.
Set an expiration policy on both dynamic and staticcontent.
The second is a Page, which allows for staticcontent from public figures or businesses.
Suitable for providing edge services in cloud computing, it can serve staticcontent, such as images and JavaScript.
An adult social networking site is not about producers publishing staticcontent in hopes of making a profit.
Uso de dynamic content em inglês
HTML documents, at least those that contain dynamiccontent, are typically not configured to be cached.
Rae first established her brand as a dynamiccontent creator with the hit web series Awkward Black Girl.
Update: DOTGO co-founder Stefan Gromoll tells us that the service can provide dynamiccontent and broadcasts to users who have subscribed.
With the rise of Content Delivery Network services and most web frameworks enabling caching of dynamiccontent, there's really no excuse for poor performance.
Able to process more than 75,000 requests per second, Traffic Server also can route requests for dynamiccontent to a Web server.